Christmas Gifts for the Passionate Gardener

Gardeners enjoy Christmas gifts of plants, tools and even handmade or specialty items.

Today, gardening is a very trendy occupation. Gardening is, in some circles, recognized as the new knitting. If a person really loves to garden, Christmas is definitely the perfect gift-giving time. There are a wide variety of suitable gifts available at stores with a garden section as well as a nursery. A gift card to their favorite nursery or garden center is always a good gift. A little thought and planning on the giver’s part, though, will turn a good gift into a great gift.

A Gardener’s Passion: Gifting Plants for Christmas

One of the most obvious gifts for a gardener is a plant. There are endless options available but there are considerations to think of before making any kind of purchase. It is important to make sure that the plant will actually fit into their garden. A great gift is a hard-to-find plant or an expensive one that they have been wanting but have not been able to find or purchase. Another consideration is climate – is the plant suited for the climate in question? Also, some plants do take more work than others. It is necessary to know if the gardener will be able to take the time to properly care for the plant that is given to them. Seeds for other varieties of plants already in their garden are also a good bet. Another option is to take the gardener to a local nursery or garden center, then let them pick out exactly what they want.

A Gardener’s Tools of the Trade

There is a vast assortment of gardening tools available for active gardeners who want or need them. Christmas gifts of the particular tools they want are the easiest gardening gifts to purchase. Sometimes, a gardener may need a specific tool, such as a hoe, trowel, gardening mat, hose, etc. Newer and up-to-date versions of these items can be purchased for the gardener, such as a self-coiling hose. Also, if their tools are worn out or if there is something new or innovative out there, buy it for them – they’ll love it. There are also designer tools available, especially those that come in sets. Some examples include tools with polished wood handles or a color-coordinated set of tools that includes everything from the trowel to the matching gloves.

Specialty Items Gardeners Will Love

Handmade or specialty items are always a hit with a gardener. A gift like this can be as simple as buying a little statue or a set of plain or personalized stepping-stones for their garden. A handmade or specially-bought sign for their garden is another great Christmas gift idea. A sign could portray who the garden belongs to or it could be of a cute name for the garden itself. Hand-painted Christmas garden pots show that time and care were taken in choosing the gift; these pots also make bright and festive additions to any garden. Another special gift idea is to give the gardener handmade garden-themed Christmas ornaments. Since avid gardeners love to display their passion for gardening, fun ideas include miniature birdhouses, or holiday greens bundled with bright red berries, small pine cones and a stick of cinnamon.

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