Shopping for Mom

Gourmet Gift BasketsSometimes trying to decide what to get Mom for Christmas is as hectic as fighting holiday traffic. However, it may surprise many to know that Mom’s are simple to impress. All it takes is a lot of heart and a bit of creativity.


Though most reserve the flower shopping for Mother’s Day, no Mom can resist a bouquet of Christmas flowers. The wintery backdrop provides the perfect sentimental feeling when matched with the spicy reds and greens of the holiday season. An assorted array of red and white roses will please any mother. Another great choice is the Christmas cactus. Because cacti by nature require very little watering, this is a plant Mom can appreciate for weeks after Christmas day.


A great gift from the whole family can come in the form of a little plush box. Earrings are always a great choice. Diamonds and gold are safe, but try getting Mom a stone that relates to her –whether it’s her birthstone or her favourite colour. Going for something other than diamonds can also save you a bit of cash, seeing as the most popular rock is going to go for a wee bit higher than one less popular. Perhaps a bracelet is best –again, stray from diamonds and yellow gold. White gold and silver are economical choices and, quite frankly, show a bit more class than the often times flamboyant gaud of gold.

Go for Utility

Giving Mom something she can use everyday shows thoughtfulness. For instance, if she has a laptop and likes to sit in an easy chair, a laptop prop is perfect as it provides mobility and relieves stress on the neck and back. Clothes can be an option, but keep it simple –think about your surroundings. Don’t get her a sweater in Phoenix or sandals in Albany.

Assorted Baskets

A beautifully decorated basket of her favourite candies, fruits, or wine is thoughtful and useful. Everyone loves an edible gift, so don’t stray from getting her something she’ll enjoy for weeks afterwards. Special cookies, assorted teas, or imported cocoas will grab Mom’s attention and her pallet.

It may seem that mothers are a bit high-maintenance when it comes to gift giving; however, the best gift is the one from the heart. Keep it simple, thoughtful, and meaningful and Mom’s heart will be won over. - TGBP offers a large selection of unique Christmas gift baskets for moms along with great Christmas gift baskets for friends and family.

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