Christmas Gift Exchange Groups

Christmas gift exchange groups are the perfect way to give gifts without spending loads of money of individual gifts. Whether you have a big family or are simply required to participate in a work-related gift exchange, this is a great way to show them you care without the added expense.

Christmas gifts can become very expensive, especially when you need to buy for many people. Gift exchange groups are a great idea for people with big families or for people with a bigger group of friends.

How a Gift Exchange Works

When organizing a gift group exchange, each group member buys a gift for another member of that group. This way everyone receives only one gift and has to buy only one gift for another member of the group.

Who Buys What for Whom

Sometimes a price limit is set for the amount you are allowed to spend on the gift and other times there is no limit. Whether or not a limit should be set depends on the group itself. In other words, it is entirely up to you.

When deciding who buys for whom there is a variety of ways in which this can be decided. One of the more conventional ways to do it is a random drawing of names from a hat. Everyone throws their name into a hat and then members take a turn picking a name from the hat. People buy for the person whose name they picked from the hat.

This method ensures that one person in the group does not get two gifts while another gets nothing. You can choose to keep the gift giver and receiver secret, which adds to the excitement occasion.

What to Buy for the Gift Exchange

Depending on your group you can decide not only on a price limit for you gift exchange group but on a specific present also. Each member of the group agrees on a specific type of gift, such as a mug, and they both buy and receive the same gift.

This is not limited to mugs or conventional gifts. Everything from underwear to office stationary can be exchanged. This also removes the stress of deciding what to get someone you might not know that well and you can avoid the disappointment of getting yet another soap-on-a-rope to add to your already extensive selection.

Unconventional Group Gift Exchange Ideas

Another way to celebrate this Christmas is to organize a group gift exchange but instead of giving a gift to a member in the group, each individual donates a gift or money to a charity.

Group Gift Exchange Games

There are other ways to make a Christmas party more exciting. You do not have to be assigned a particular gift for any particular person, simply assign gifts to boys and girls for a specific price and then put them underneath the tree. Games are then played and the gifts are used as prizes. Slack judging is encouraged so that everyone is ensured to win a prize.

These games can include musical chairs where everyone gets a seat and music plays. As the music begins, everyone must leave their chair and walk around the chairs. One chair at a time is removed and when the music stops, the players must find a seat. The one who does not is out. This continues until only one player is left, the last player gets to choose a gift.

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