Go Green this Christmas

With all that is happening with the environment today, it is not only practical but meaningful to do something different this Christmas when it comes to gift giving. After all, Christmas is the time to give and share.

As you think of gifts to give this Christmas, why don’t you consider giving back to the environment at the same time? Here are some green gift ideas for this holiday season.

Fair Trade Products

You can find almost anything with the fair trade label. The idea behind fair trade is that the products are manufactured without harming the environment as well as the workers who come up with the product. This Christmas, before buying something, why not make sure that the product has been manufactured ethically, cleanly, and traded fairly?

‘Green’ Cards

If you have the spare time and the artistic inclination, you should consider making your own Christmas cards. One of the best and most commonly used ideas is to get flowers and dry them and then press them onto some nice recycled paper. You not only help the environment, you save up a lot as well!

Organic Products

Patronising organic products has become the trend in the past few years. They are healthier and friendlier to the environment. You can apply the same concept this Christmas and go for organic products. Organic products do not only apply to food and drink. You can find organic products such as soap, candles, body scrubs, perfumes, make up, and the like. You just have to be prepared to pay a little bit more as organic products are costlier than their non-organic counterparts.

Electricity-saving Devices

Gadgets are quite popular these days. No matter what age group you may belong to, there is always a cool gadget for you. For this Christmas, why don’t you try to look for unique and trendy gadgets that are not heavy on power usage? There are devices such as lamps or night lights which make use of solar cells. There are portable radios which work on the same principle.

You might not believe it, but there are also portable media players in the market today which work by being wound up. The idea is to give something useful and yet hip at the same time. Again, you have to prepare to pay a little bit extra for these items - but hey, they’re definitely worth it!

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