How to celebrate an Australian style Christmas

Sydney Opera House ChristmasTo celebrate an Australian style Christmas, be prepared for fun with the typical laid back Aussie attitude. Christmas in Australia arrives within three days of the longest day of the year when Australia has long daylight hours with warm temperatures instead of short days with long cold nights. Temperatures can reach up to 30°C and the Christmas dinner includes cold meats and sea food along with the traditional Christmas fare. The celebrations have an overtone of the British influence but are laced with a style that is totally unique to Australia. Here are some handy hints to make your Christmas an Australian one.

Some suggestions

  1. Use Christmas bush, a plant (native to Australia) with little red flowered leaves, to decorate the house. Decorate a Christmas tree and hang ornaments in its branches. Even a plastic tree will do because it can be stored away and used again in future years.
  2. Put a wreath on your front door to welcome people in with its festive presence. A wreath can be made using artificial material, plastic or similar, and colored gold or the traditional green, red and silver.
  3. Have a Santa who comes in by way of the sea maybe surfing and water skiing wearing little besides the ceremonial white beard because it may get too hot to don the whole red suit.
  4. Get together with your friends and family on Christmas Eve for a candle light singing of carols and favorite Christmas songs.
  5. Make a traditional Christmas dinner with a Christmas pudding that has a favor hidden in it to bring good luck to the one who gets it. You may also serve turkey, ham, pork and mince pies as well as sea food and cold cuts. Ice cream may also be served as dessert.
  6. Exchange gifts on the Christmas morning after the prayer service is over.


  • Remember to stay relaxed and laid back in true Australian style while retaining your cool and sense of fun.
  • Try and spend the day outside and plan a picnic meal with your friends and family.


  • Don’t copy everything Australian without understanding its true meaning.

2 Comments about “How to celebrate an Australian style Christmas”

  1. Robyn Broughton Says:

    I’m trying to find an Australian theme Christmas Carol sung by James Pegler in Carols by Candlelight Christmas 1979 or 1980. Can you give me any clues where to find music or words?
    Yours sincerely
    Robyn Broughton

  2. Karen Says:

    Looking for artificial or silk Australian Christmas bush to purchase for decorating purposes. Can anyone assist with a web site.
    Thank you

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